Have you been looking for a way to get rid of excess fat on your chin area, but are hesitant to undergo extensive surgery to do it? Patients no longer have to take extreme surgical measures to get rid of this fat; now there’s KYBELLA®. This injectable treatment has been proven to give patients quick, relatively painless relief from chin fat in as little as two injection sessions.
What is KYBELLA®?
KYBELLA® is one of the most revolutionary recent advances in the field of cosmetic medicine. This injectable is the only product of its kind that is FDA-approved to improve the appearance of submental fullness, also referred to as a “double chin”. Before KYBELLA® was created, patients had to undergo more painful, extensive liposuction or body contouring procedures to get rid of this stubborn fat. Now, patients only have to undergo between two and six KYBELLA® injection sessions to correct this frustrating cosmetic concern.
Each injection session takes only 15 minutes to complete. While the amount of treatments needed varies, patients usually undergo between two and six injection sessions.
While more extensive procedures can involve weeks of recovery and discomfort, KYBELLA® features only a brief period of social downtime. Patients can return to work and other daily activities almost immediately after receiving KYBELLA® injections. However, they may want to avoid important social situations for about a week because of the visible swelling in the neck and chin area common after each injection session.
How Can I Begin Treatment?
Before undergoing a series of KYBELLA® treatments, patients must first schedule a consultation appointment with a member of our medical staff. During this appointment, we will take into account the patient’s cosmetic goals, current state of health, and medical history to help decide if KYBELLA® is right for them. Individuals must be over the age of 18 and in good health in order to undergo this treatment.
It’s important for patients to keep in mind that KYBELLA® is a treatment for excess fat, not excess skin. Individuals with loose skin on their chins or necks will have to undergo a different cosmetic procedure to correct it.
Are you interesting in feeling the benefits of this exciting injectable treatment? We can help. Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England is proud to bring this solution to submental fullness to patients from all over Maine. We have locations in Portland and Waterville. Contact us today to schedule a consultation appointment.