Sun spots appear as a result of years of sun exposure and damage. These skin blemishes can resemble brown or age spots, but are actually solar lentigines caused by the sun. Our skin usually does a great job absorbing and protecting itself from sunlight. But as we age, its ability to handle UV rays decreases, and our skin responds to sun exposure with increased melanin production in one, concentrated area.
What You Can Do
As you age, it is increasingly important to treat your skin with adequate care and protect it from sun damage. Aside from traditional preventive sunscreen methods, there are new procedures and treatments available that treat sun spots. Some of these new alternatives include: laser treatments, medical-grade skin care products, and Prolite IPL.
What Is Prolite IPL?
Prolite IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is an FDA-approved treatment for brown and sun spots. It’s been used for over a decade to treat more than 2 million people for issues with hyperpigmentation.
The treatment works similarly to a laser by using quick, short, and strong pulses of light applied directly to the treatment area. Most patients require multiple treatments to reach their desired result. While it has been popularized for treating sun spots, Prolite IPL can also effectively treat skin conditions, perform facial rejuvenation procedures, and shrink enlarged pores. The Light leaves patients’ skin smoother, and evens their skin tone leaving them with a radiant complexion. Prolight IPL can be used on the face, neck, forearms, chest, and hands.
Sun spots treated with the Prolite IPL become darker temporarily, then form a crust on the skin and fall off. During the period of treatment, our patients need to use a sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher, and avoid sun exposure.
Need More Information?
Getting sun spots removed with the IPL usually takes between 15 minutes and a half hour per treatment, depending on the size, number and location of spots. Patients do report some slight discomfort, but no pain during treatment. IPL therapy is completely safe, and does not damage surrounding tissue or leave any lasting marks on the skin.
The Prolite IPL treatment also works on other sun-exposure related conditions like melasma, and can be used for birthmark and mole removal. Contact our experienced and friendly staff at Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England for more information on what we can do to help you with sun spots or pigmentation issues.