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Age Spot and Sun Spot Removal

Age spots and sun spots are a common sign of aging, and fortunately, one that can be quickly treated with laser treatments. At Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England, we offer age and sun spot removal treatment to the men and women living in and around Portland, Maine.

mature confident woman
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What is Age and Sun Spot Removal?

Mature happy couple mature woman applying skincare for aging

What is Age and Sun Spot Removal?

Age and sun spots are common forms of skin discoloration that can develop over the years, especially as a result of sun exposure.

While age spots and sun spots are generally harmless, many patients choose to pursue treatment to restore clarity to the skin and maintain a youthful appearance. Fortunately, Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England specializes in age and sun spot removal treatments to help patients achieve these goals.

How is Age and Sun Spot Removal Performed?

Age spot and sun spot removal is accomplished by targeting the pigments of the skin responsible for creating these symptoms. Using a laser treatment technique, we can target and break up skin pigments in these spots. After treatment, and with repeated treatment sessions, the appearance of the treated age spots and sun spots will begin to fade.

How Much Does Age and Sun Spot Removal Treatment Cost?

The cost of your age and sun spot removal treatment at Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England will depend on a number of factors. During your free consultation, we will assess your skin and discuss your treatment goals to determine the approach to your treatment that will work best for you.

Some patients may need multiple treatment sessions. We will consider these and other factors in order to provide you with the full cost of your treatment during your consultation. To make this and other services more affordable, we are proud to offer financing through CareCredit®.

What Age and Sun Spot Removal Treatments Are Available?

Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England may recommend one of the following treatments for age and sun spot removal:

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Happy Birthday!

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Contact us today to schedule your consultation for age and sun spot removal treatments at Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England. We offer these and other laser treatments to the men and women living in the New England region, including those in Portland, Maine.

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This content has been authored or reviewed and approved by Maria Atkins, DO, or her staff.

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Cosmetic Enhancement Center of New England